
Japan: A shopper’s paradise!


Japan is a shopping paradise for locals and mostly foreign traveler with selling everything from High end brands and budgets stores 100yen  shops like Daiso, Seria and a lot more. In terms of fashions you can shop at shibuya or harajuku, ginza, outlet stores, also the famous Uniqlo, GU and other local & foreign brands , For cosmetics & supplements you can try to visit japanese drugstore or donquijote. If you want to shop for electronics Yodobashi camera , BIC Camera and yamada denki is for you to visit. Local souvenirs are also available on tourist attractions, train stations and at the lower ground of department stores.   .

Shopping in japan is a good experience because all the store staff are well trained, polite and attentive but foreign language services are rarely available or the store is near to tourist attractions  may have some staff that speak English or other languages.

Departments stores usually open at 10AM in the morning and close 8PM, In a small city the stores close early so better check the opening hour and closing hour of the store or restaurant you want to go.

For foreign tourists you can enjoy the Tax-Free starting 5,500 Yen and up just present your passport but watch out for the stores that do not provide Tax-free and things that are not included on the tax-free system. Also you cannot consume the product you bought with tax free inside japan.

You can shop and pay thru cash, credit card Visa, Master, JCB and electronic money.

Don’t forget to bring your own shopping bags or ECO bag because many stores charge the paper bags or plastic bag.

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