
Vending machines in Japan How to use?

Have you ever use The vending machines in Japan? If it’s your first time to visit japan you should try it. They are found in every corner of the street,mall parking areas, train stations and any other establishments.

How to use vending machines or 自動販売機(Jidō hanbaiki) in Japanese

First you kust insert the payment of 10,100,500 or 1000 bills. You cannot use 5yen or 1yen coin or  Tap the Electonic money suica or pasmo to pay.

Once you do, the vending machine would light up. Example you insert 150 Yen all drinks that cost 150 Yen would light up. Second, you can select the drinks by  pushing the button underneath. Third, The Change Otsuri(おつり) in japanese, once you choose your desired drink don’t forget to pick up your change at the bottom of the machine.

Some drinks will not be available or sold out and you will notice it by seeing this kanji 売切(Urikire) flashing in red.

There are vending machines that sells Cold Tsumetai(つめたい)in japanese and Hot drinks Atatakai(あたたかい)in japanese.



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